The pace of urbanisation all around the world is picking up fast as every nation worth its salt is trying to emulate America in consumption and life style. But no one seems to care about the ravages this is causing to our ecology. A recent report I read somewhere said our drinking water sources are getting contaminated by, among other things, antibiotics and other drugs, affecting animals and, possibly, humans.
The problem is worse than anyone can imagine. And however hard we try to brush it under the carpet, it is going to come back with more force. Imagine this, our kids will not be able to drink safe drinking water. Fresh, natural water will be a misnomer. Where will this lead us? Extinction? I don't know, but if not that, then we will have to live as a condemned species, what with all the toxins we are adding to our ecosystem.
Isn't it time we took our single-pointed focus off conspicuous consumption and our misplaced benchmarks of fine living and try to reorient ourselves to a more holistic, harmless and inclusive lifestyle?
Someone who I highly respect once told me: It is written by Sage Vyasa that the day when food is sold that will be the worst day for humans and creation. Now, we can easily dismiss him and his ilk as old-fashioned, religious fellows. But, come to think of it, isn't it true? Can't we trace all our problems to our greed for money, so much so that we are even selling food and allowing commercial interests to lock up food and water resources in their quest for profit? Aren't those the things we should make available to all creation for free?
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