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Monday, March 24, 2008

For once, let us respect the humble farmer

So, as a civilisation, we are going back to where we started from. Our current way of life simply cannot be sustained in the long run, and we will need to go back to how we lived. It may sound terrifying to some who are accustomed to the conveniences of our modern urban civilisation. But it needn't be. We may not have to go back to the way our ancestors lived probably 500 years ago; but we will have to learn to live in a more sustainable, closer-to-nature way.

And I realise, as we try to get closer to nature, the thankless task our ancestors did for a living - farming - would be much in demand. And for once, the humble farmer would be recognized and rewarded. Yes, rewarded. And in more ways than one.

I am talking about carbon trading. I am trying to find out right now if there is any mechanism already in existence by which individual farmers can be get money for their contribution to reducing carbon emissions. If any of you reading this blog know of any, please do write in. As of now, I haven't found any.

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